
                                                                                                March 12, 2025 


ATLANTA - Yesterday, the MARTA Oversight Committee (MARTOC) released the findings of KPMG’s independent audit of the More MARTA Atlanta Program, which found that among other things MARTA’s enhanced bus service calculations from 2017 to 2019 were correct, disproving the City of Atlanta and Mauldin & Jenkins’ previous erroneous calculations.

KPMG’s findings are a clear win for MARTA, our customers, and the future of transit improvement and expansion. We want to thank Chairwoman Silcox and the MARTOC board for their thoughtful approach.

The full KPMG report can be found HERE.

From the beginning of this process, we said that if an independent, accredited third party looked at the facts and responses that we submitted, our calculations would be confirmed—and that is exactly what has happened yesterday.  MARTA operated ethically, transparently, and above board—and we are pleased with the results.

In our initial detailed response to Mauldin and Jenkins’ report, we were also clear that the Intergovernmental Agreement between MARTA and the City of Atlanta that governs the More MARTA Atlanta program must be restructured. A repurposed IGA should establish clear deadlines, decision makers and cadence so that we can be unburdened to begin construction on new transit projects. That recommendation stands.

In that spirit, we would like to use this opportunity to urge the City of Atlanta to expedite the approval of permits for the Five Points Station Transformation Project so that we can begin deconstruction.  Because of the delays, it is already behind schedule, and it is critical that we begin work to deliver this transformational project for our riders, our system, and the downtown area.

We will continue moving forward with the work we are doing to deliver a safe, clean, and reliable experience for our customers, and remain hopeful that our City of Atlanta partners will join us in this important effort.

To view MARTA’s full response to Mauldin & Jenkins’ audit findings —which was left out of their report—click HERE.

To view MARTA’s previous statement and background demonstrating that Mauldin & Jenkins’ calculations were wrong, click HERE.


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